JB machinery Dryers Bring Another Press Into High Quality Graphics
September saw another customer availing themselves of all the benefits that JB Infra Red Interstation IR Dryers bring:
- Increased Run Speeds
- Elimination of Wet Trapping
- Better Print
- High Graphics
Unlike other methods of drying Corrugated board, JB Dryers focus all of your energy on the surface of the board.
As energy costs increase it is important to make sure that you are focusing your energy at drying the ink, not at heating up the ambient temperature inside your press.
JB are the world leaders in drying on a Corrugated Flexo press, they have the technology, experience and included safety to ensure that ink drying issues are never a limiting factor in the speed of your press.
Please talk to us about how you can increase your run speeds and print quality for a modest investment.
For more information on JB Dryers, skip across to our Product Information page: More Info